Gjenforent med sin fars musikk etter 50 år! Ny singel ute 5.august!!
Dette er historien om et norsk-kanadisk samarbeid som bringer liv i musikken til en ukjent rockeduo fra 60-tallet.
Få har nok hørt om 60-talls-duoen Hardin & York,
og det var ved en ren tilfeldighet at Bonnie And The Jets-produsent Dagfin Hjorth Hovind skulle bli inspirert til å bruke deres musikk i sin egen gruppes kommende album.
Gammelt møter nytt, soul møter rock, far og datter gjenforent i én låt! Det er mye som kan beskrive BONNIE AND THE JETS´nyeste singel “Wait To Cry/Tomorrow Today”, men historien bak hvordan de to låtene er flettet sammen, er helt unik.
Det hele startet med at bandet var i gang med pre-produksjon av sitt debutalbum, deriblant låta “Wait To Cry”, da Dagfin kom over 60-talls-duoen Hardin & York sin “Tomorrow Today”. En vinylplate han plukket tilfeldig fra hylla, og satt på som bakgrunnsmusikk mens han jobbet hjemme… BATJ-produsenten fant fort ut at refrenget var fantastisk catchy, og kunne kanskje matche deres egen låt “Wait To Cry” som “hånd i hanske” - dette måtte testes!
Duoen Hardin & York ble aldri verdenskjent, men hver for seg har de begge gjort store karrierer, blant annet som medlemmer i Spencer Davis Group. Låtskriveren Eddie Hardin gikk dessverre bort for noen år tilbake, men kunne han ha noe familie?
Etter noen google-søk, viste det seg at datteren hans lever i beste velgående i Canada! Og ikke nok med det; hun driver en musikkskole og er sanger! Bandet tok kontakt og hun ble både overrasket og satt ut av forespørselen. Første møte over skype var rørende og uvirkelig, både for henne og bandet. BATJ spurte om hun kunne tenke seg å bidra med sin stemme på låten, og med det ble plutselig Emma Hardin en featuring artist på utgivelsen.
Og ikke nok med at man har fått den originale låtskriveren sin datter med på laget: på featuring listen finner man også noen av Norges mest erfarne musikere; nemlig Steinar Albrigtsen og Monika Nordli.
Caroline ´Bonnie´ Bonnet:
“For oss er dette en låt med 60 år gamle røtter, og det at DNA-et til han som faktisk skrev låta har blitt flettet inn i vår egen, gjør dette til en sjelelig reise! Dette er et unikt prosjekt for oss, og det gjør hele produksjonen til en magisk greie.”
Dagfin Hjorth Hovind:
“Det er kanskje de mest bisarre omstendighetene rundt en låt jeg har vært med på! Dette er kan være noe for historiebøkene..”
Emma Hardin:
“Immediately I knew my dad would have been so proud that this new twist on ‘Tomorrow Today’ was being produced by an entirely new generation, and I like to think that he would enjoy the song as much as I do!”
Steinar Albrigtsen og Monika Nordli:
“Det er alltid hyggelig å kunne bidra på nye prosjekt med dyktige artister og musikere. BATJ kombinerer sterk vokal med spennende produksjon og instrumentering. Vi gleder oss over at stadig flere lyttere oppdager dette hardtarbeidende norske bandet, de fortjener all ros og ære.”
This is a story about a Norwegian-Canadian collaboration that is bringing new life to an obscure rock duo from the 60s! New single out August 5th!!
Few have heard of the 60s duo Hardin & York, and it was of pure coincidence that Bonnie And The Jets producer Dagfin Hjorth Hovind would be inspired to use their music in his own band’s upcoming album.
Old meets new, souls meets rock, father and daughter are reunited in a song! There are many ways to describe Bonnie And The Jets’ newest single “Wait To Cry/Tomorrow Today” but the story behind how the two songs are intertwined is completely unique.
The whole thing started when the band was working on preproduction of their debut album, which includesthe song “Wait To Cry”. Dagfin came across the 60s duo Hardin & York’s “Tomorrow Today.” He happened to pick the vinyl record up off the shelf and put it on as background music while he was working at home. The BATJ producer quickly realized that the chorus was incredibly catchy and could possibly go well with their song “Wait To Cry” —This had to be tested!
The duo Hardin & York never became world famous, but individually they’ve had successful careers, such as as members in Spencer Davis Group. Songwriter Eddie Hardin unfortunately passed away a few years ago, but could he have any relatives?
After a few google searches, they found out that his daughter is alive and well in Canada! And if that wasn’t lucky enough, she runs a music school and is a singer! The band contacted her and she was both surprised and perplexed by the request. The first Skype meeting was moving and unreal, for both her and the band. BATJ asked if she would be interested in contributing to the song, and suddenly Emma Hardin became a featured artist on the release.
And if it wasn’t enough to have the original songwriter’s daughter on the team, some of Norway’s most experienced musicians can also be found on the featured list: namely Steinar Albrigtsen and Monika Nordli.
Caroline `Bonnie`Bonnet:
“For us, this is a song with 60 year old roots, and having the guy that actually wrote the song’s daughter involved with our song makes this a soulful journey! This is a unique project for us, and that makes the whole production magical."
Dagfin Hjorth Hovind:
“This is possibly the strangest circumstances surrounding a song that I’ve ever been involved in! This is one for the books!"
Steinar Albrigtsen og Monika Nordli:
"It’s always nice to be able to contribute to a new project with talented artists and musicians. BATJ combines strong vocals with exciting production and instrumentation. We are excited that more and more people are discovering this hardworking Norwegian band. They deserve all the hype."
Emma Hardin: “Immediately I knew my dad would have been so proud that this new twist on ‘Tomorrow Today’ was being produced by an entirely new generation, and I like to think that he would enjoy the song as much as I do!”